Apoorv Kulkarni
4 min readApr 12, 2018

In Physics Escape Velocity is the minimum speed needed for an object to escape from the gravitational influence of a massive body, A body escapes from earth’s gravitational force and with no force being applied it starts to Float ubiquitously and ends being collapsed to meteor/asteroids

We being with no external, internal force (conscience) we start floating with this inapt comfortable cloud, faking the world with all false fantasy to be the one which we are not we presume and want us to be accepted to certain people or group we feel like instead crave for we should fit in and belong somewhere in order to achieve it.

We pick person or a group of people we want to be live and we try to be like them, The thought process or the clothing we wear everything rely on them the group we chose, the way we talk the way we walk everything comes into a fragile carries towards the group or persons, we start faking our self. We try to be best at what we aren’t, From faking sports to TV series form Manchester sport club to game of thrones.

Our way of analyzing people comes from this same fake fantasy which later gets into catastrophic judging of people which led to damage in society.

When it comes to education the situation is more atrocious we try to opt the same basic orthodox hierarchy as per the society norms.


When Winston Churchill was tugged to become a prime minister of United Kingdom during world war 2 he was asked to negotiate the talks with Italy and Germany same as whole of Europe either surrender or lost to Germany while Churchill stand tenacious and stubborn not to negotiate with axis powers and ultimately winning the argument in parliament and defending its country’s glory by winning the battle. If you want to be great be stubborn in what you want to be rather than getting maligned from others, as Winston Churchill said —

“For myself I am an optimist — it does not seem to be much use being anything else.”

But the tough part is to choose between when to be stubborn and when to be flexible ,It requires wisdom to know when something is small or big which can be especially difficult to decipher when we are caught into whirlwind of emotions ?

For this do not seek towards whats happening and marching with the world rather search for it in inner you what are you good at, what are your skills, strength which will lead you to be a stubborn warrior and winner ,then do not wish for it instead accomplish it.


Are you really happy? No, don’t lie to yourself, are you really happy? If you are not then why aren’t you pursing your real dream.

To know yourself you don’t need to browse Wikipedia or any encyclopedia or to visit a psychiatrist but rather a place where you find yourself and that place is within you .

Introspect yourself what are you up to? what and why are you doing ? talk to yourself . It needs a lot of courage to admit that you were lying to yourself for days or even years. This life was designed in such a way that brave people get it all and cowards get all the misery in the world.


Be Yourself;Faking actions ,thought and lifestyle will not lead you anywhere instead you’ll find yourself in despair ,loss of enthusiasm , no zeal for life and ending up in fatal situations.

Always remember when I am educated, I am aware of my life ,my actions ,consequences and the reality in which I live in.

Get in touch with your reality, stop escaping reality know yourself and conquer all your dreams which are you meant for.


